American Academy of Dermatology 2011 Conference
I just got back from the national yearly meeting for the American Academy of Dermatology. I was able to attend a host of lectures on topics ranging from lasers and emerging technology to new developments in melanoma detection to practice management discussions to help make my practice better for you, my patients. As always I continue to learn and I will share some of those topics and tips with you as the next few weeks go by on this blog.
As always I was fortunate to see some of my esteemed colleagues from across the country. The best part of this is being able to discuss interesting or challenging cases we have all had and how each dermatologist would have handled it. Sometimes this is where we learn the most from each other. As always, I could call these fellow board certified dermatologists to run a case by them, but there is nothing like face to face interaction to really bring those points home.
Don’t worry, I did have a little “non-dermatology fun” as some of my very great friends were with me in New Orleans and that was my first trip there.