Transformation Tuesday: Patient Before & After
For this month’s before & after transformation, we chose a patient who had a treatment plan that was customized to her specific needs. As with all of our Reno plastic surgery patients, we evaluate this patient’s needs and requests to create a treatment protocol that fit her needs.
In this patient’s before photo, she has a significant amount of laxity in the lower face and neck, requiring a facelift, but one of the things that also really bothered her was her upper lip.
Many people will advise filler or fat grafting to this patient’s upper lip, but this case is a more difficult one. This is a perfect example of a woman with a naturally aged and very thin upper lip. No matter how much filler or fat you place in this upper lip you will not get the results you are looking for. You will get that characteristic overfilled duck shape lip that we all dislike.
This patient received an in-office face and neck lift, which had minimal recovery time, and an in-office upper lip lift. An incision was made below the nose and a portion of the skin was removed.
You can see that this gives her the natural shape of her youthful upper lip back and a beautiful Cupid’s bow shape. No filler or fat was placed in the lip, the before and after are 6 weeks apart and she has nothing but her natural anatomy.
Come visit our Reno plastic surgery office and have a personalized one-on-one consultation with me. We can discuss if you need one of our customized procedures including lip lift, in-office facelift, earlobe repair, or possibly revisionary surgery from previous operations.
~ Dr. Timothy Janiga