What is a Neck Lift?
One of the early signs of facial aging begins in the neck. Loose skin and excess fat become more prominent and sagging skin accumulates underneath the chin and in the neck. Over time, individuals’ neck skin shows more signs of aging as excess skin and fat create a poorly defined jawline, double chin, and an aged appearance. This procedure will tighten the skin and soft tissue of the neck and jaw line creating a more youthful appearance. Often, a surgical procedure, the neck lift, is performed in conjunction with a facelift, brow lift or eyelid lift so that results are far more comprehensive. By combining approaches, patients can enjoy an enhanced look that achieves more than just neck contouring.

How long will a Neck Lift procedure take?
The neck lift surgery takes approximately two hours with an additional two hours of recovery time before leaving the surgery center.
How much recovery time should I expect after my procedure?
Depending on your profession and need for personal discretion, you may need to allow seven to 21 days for neck muscles to heal before returning to work. Full results are expected within three months.
Meet Your Specialists
What are the typical results for a Neck Lift?
A more defined neck and jaw line that will give a more youthful appearance are typical results. Improved muscle tone and neck contour along with firmer, smoother skin after the swelling goes down will also be seen; however, individual results may vary. Dr. Janiga will give you a more realistic expectation of your personal outcome during your private consultation.
Frequently Asked Questions about Neck Lifts
What is the best age for a neck lift?
Who is not a good candidate for neck lift surgery?
How long does a neck lift last?
Is a neck lift obvious?
Are you awake for a neck lift?
Schedule a Consultation
Initial consultation length varies, but is usually not more than 15-30 minutes. The actual procedure will take longer and will be discussed in detail when your procedure is scheduled. For more information, or to set up a consultation with Dr. Timothy Janiga for your neck lift in our Reno office, please send us an email or call 775-364-0224.