What is Abdominal Etching?
The best laid plans can sometimes lead to disappointing results. Take your abs, for instance. You can cut carbs, up your cardio, and do crunches ‘til bedtime and still not see the results you’re hoping for.
Abdominal etching, also known as abdominal sculpting, can help solve this problem. Dr. Timothy Janiga brings out the definition in your abdominal muscles, creating a chiseled appearance.
The Abdominal Etching Procedure
Abdominal etching is a specialized liposuction technique, and is perfect for men who already have well-developed abdominal muscles that don’t quite pop despite diet and exercise. Dr. Timothy Janiga makes port size incisions for the cannulas to enter, which minimizes any scars. Unwanted fat is then removed in some areas and thinned out in other areas. Dr. Janiga will then sculpt grooves in the remaining fat to emphasize your natural musculature. This will create that six-pack look. Abdominal etching is an outpatient procedure that takes 1-3 hours.
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Recovery & Results
After your abdominal etching procedure, you will have some swelling and bruising in the abdominal area. You will need to wear a compression garment for approximately three to six weeks to reduce swelling. Strenuous activity should be avoided for about six weeks, but most patients can return to work and resume light activities after 1-2 weeks. It takes about two months for you to see the full result of your abdominal etching.
Frequently Asked Questions about Abdominal Etching
How long do abdominal etching results last?
What are the risks of abdominal etching procedures?
Does fat come back after abdominal etching?
Does abdominal etching look real?
Can abdominal etching be done with a tummy tuck?
Who is a good candidate for abdominal etching?
Schedule a Consultation
Interested in abdominal etching? Schedule a consultation with Dr. Timothy Janiga to learn whether you’re a good candidate for our ab etching procedure.