What is miraDry®?
Excessive underarm sweat is not only embarrassing, but it can take a toll on your social interactions, as well. Using precisely controlled heat-based energy, miraDry® permanently and safely removes your underarm sweat glands. The result is that your sweat output is greatly reduced in this area. miraDry® eliminates excessive underarm sweating and odor glands with immediate and permanent results.
miraDry® patients see an 80 percent or greater reduction in sweating as well as a reduction in odor. Traditional antiperspirants only give you a 20 percent reduction in sweating/odor. Usually, you can completely discontinue the use of antiperspirants and deodorants after undergoing miraDry®. For women, there is a 60 percent reduction in underarm hair. Men will still retain underarm hair after the procedure, but it may be thinner than before.

Men and women who have hyperhidrosis, a condition that causes them to sweat profusely, can benefit from miraDry in Reno, NV. This treatment is safe and may be the better alternative to Botox injections for patients who have an allergy to botulinum toxin. miraDry also destroys odor glands that cause body odor along with excessive sweating. These are long-lasting results that can give patients a major boost in self-confidence!
miraDry® treatment takes about an hour and involves very little discomfort and near-immediate results after one treatment. When you visit Janiga MDs for your procedure, you will have a grid placed in the axilla (the underarm area), followed by local anesthesia. Each armpit takes between 15-45 minutes to complete. After the procedure, the area and grid are cleaned and you’re free to go.

miraDry® Testimonial with
Dr. Jennifer Janiga
miraDry® is an excellent way to reduce and minimize excessive sweating.
At Janiga MDs, Dr. Timothy Janiga specializes in plastic surgery and Dr. Jennifer Janiga specializes in dermatology, giving their practice a unique, comprehensive perspective on their patients’ cosmetic needs in the Reno, Nevada area.

Recovery & Results
Generally, patients see results after only a single treatment, but we’ll work with you to determine a personalized course of treatment that maximizes your results. We ask that you refrain from exercising and shaving your underarms for about a week. Otherwise, you may resume your normal activities right away.

Frequently Asked Questions about miraDry
How does miraDry work?
When will I see the results of miraDry?
How many treatment sessions do I need to se results?
Is there anything I need to do after miraDry treatment?
How long does the miraDry treatment take?
Schedule a Consultation
For more information or to set up a consultation with Dr. Jennifer Janiga or associates, please send us an email or call 775-364-0224.
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