Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Center

Top Five Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon Before Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

Top Five Questions to Ask Your Plastic Surgeon Before Your Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast Augmentation Surgery

One of the hardest parts of a cosmetic consultation is knowing which questions to ask your surgeon. Are you forgetting anything? Is there something you should be asking that you didn’t? What sort of questions would a plastic surgeon ask if in your position? In this blog post, we’ll address the most important questions you should ask your plastic surgeon prior to having breast augmentation surgery.

1. Are you board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery?

Be warned: Addressing board certification with your surgeon can sometimes be a complicated conversation. But if asked if they are specifically board-certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, your surgeon should be able to give a clear, definitive answer. In some cases, you may come across a physician who is board certified in a specialty not directly related to cosmetic surgery, but advertised as such. Some may even possess a title in “cosmetic surgery.” Though be aware that most of these are not nationally recognized by the Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Board-certified physicians are accredited by the American Board of Plastic Surgery and are required to complete a rigorous residency program specifically designed for plastic surgeons. This is a national standard and should be the first question you ask your plastic surgeon.

2. Are you a member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery?

This specific certification is only given to board-certified plastic surgeons after they have accumulated a large amount of cosmetic experience. Each physician’s cosmetic experience is reviewed by an independent group of established cosmetic plastic surgeons, and if the criteria have been met, they will become a certified member of the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. This certification ensures patients their plastic surgeon is an expert within the field of cosmetic surgery and has adequate professional experience in performing the procedures that they offer.

3. Do you have 3-D imaging software?

3-D imaging software allows both the patient and their physician to remain on the same page when customizing a procedure. Previously, we’ve published a blog post discussing the specific software used at Janiga MDs, The Vectra.

4. Do you have a lot of experience performing breast augmentation surgery?

In addition to knowing whether your surgeon is board-certified, and a member of the American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, having a clear understanding of their past professional experience will help you feel confident, not only in their ability, but also in the results to be achieved.

5. Am I a good candidate for breast augmentation surgery?

Prior to your consultation, ask yourself, “Is there any reason why I shouldn’t get this surgery?” Sometimes patients get caught up in the excitement of obtaining their ideal body image and may forget that a breast augmentation is not right for everyone. Examples of who might not be right for this procedure include, patients with a history of blood clots, patients with heart disease or history of stroke, as well as many others. Be sure that you and your surgeon are both aware of any health-related issues you may be facing prior to your procedure. Unaddressed concerns may interfere with producing the best possible outcome for you.

Dr. Timothy Janiga evaluates and treats patients who desire a breast augmentation in our Reno/Tahoe offices. Initial consultation length varies, but is usually no more than 15-30 minutes. To schedule your consultation send us an email or call (775) 398-4600 today.

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