Plastic Surgery & Cosmetic Center

The Benefits of Scarless Gynecomastia Treatment

The Benefits of Scarless Gynecomastia Treatment

Are you a male who is bothered by excess fat on their chest, also sometimes called “man boobs”? If so, you may have gynecomastia, a somewhat common condition that is often caused by hormonal imbalance. While traditional gynecomastia surgery can help you achieve a flatter chest, it is also associated with potential scarring and significant recovery time. Scarless gynecomastia treatment uses the radiofrequency energy of BodyTite to eliminate fat in the chest for the results you desire, without surgery! Read on to learn more about the benefits of scarless gynecomastia treatment.

Non-Surgical and Minimally Invasive

This procedure is often performed in the office and is minimally invasive. To get started, the treatment area will be numbed with tumescent anesthesia, and a small port site is created in the chest tissue. A small wand is then placed under the skin to deliver radiofrequency (RF) heat, melting breast tissue and tightening the skin.

Only Local Anesthesia or Light Sedation is Used

The lighter the anesthesia or sedation used during a procedure, the less risk for side effects and complications. Plus, you will not have to take the time to wake up from heavy sedation following your procedure, so you can return home sooner!

Significant Fat Reduction and Skin Tightening Without Scars

With surgical gynecomastia surgery, excess tissue can be removed using liposuction, excision, or both. This can leave unwanted scarring after you heal, plus you’ll need extra time off of work to recover. Scarless gynecomastia surgery can melt away unwanted tissue and tighten tissue using radiofrequency (RF) heat energy for effective results without the surgery. This will leave you with the flatter, more masculine chest you desire without taking extra time off.

Outpatient Procedure with Reduced Downtime

Following this treatment, patients are free to return home to recover. Downtime is significantly reduced compared to gynecomastia surgery and may last from 1-10 days, depending on the amount of fat removed and tissue tightened during your treatment. Plus, the results are permanent, so the excess tissue that was treated will not return.

Contact Us Today

Want to learn more about scarless gynecomastia treatment and if it is a good choice for you? Contact Janiga MDs in Reno, Nevada today to schedule a consultation appointment. We will be happy to speak with you regarding your aesthetic goals to create a personalized treatment plan that fits your lifestyle and budget.

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